Framing Android Screenshots

At Reach we wanted to improve our release process by automating the process of taking screenshots and uploading them to the Play Store. Adding screenshots is an important step to showcase an app’s features and functionality… Click on READ MORE to see our approach!

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Comparing Two PostgreSQL databases

After an infrastructure migration we had to figure out whether data was lost during that process. We wanted to ensure the new PostgreSQL database had exactly the same data as before.

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Migrate a Robolectric test to FragmentScenario

This blog post describes my experiences migrating a unit test from Robolectric ‘old’ API to the new AndroidX FragmentScenario API. I wanted to do that as part of experimenting this new API, which brings some advantages over the old method.

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Story of 10gb Data Leak

Recently I came across an article from The Verge, reporting that a Google app was downloading excessive data, even when the respective app was closed or on the background. That reminded me I should share our own story and perhaps someone can learn from it — or just leave it as a future reminder for myself.

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Making of this blog

For a long time I was searching for time to build a personal page or blog – a place where I can present who I am, what I do and share some thoughts and experiences around my work as a software engineer.

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Flutter first impressions

After hearing so much hype around the Flutter platform, I decided to give it a try and write about my first impressions on the developer experience. I’m an Android developer and the idea of writing the same code for Android and iOS is quite exciting.

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Transitioning from FloatingActionButton to bottom toolbar

The latest requirement from my designer was to implement a bottom toolbar on Android, one that would transition into a FAB when the user scrolls. He specifically pointed out to the example in the Material Design guidelines.

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Save Your Backend From Responsive Ui

In this article I will describe one solution on a comments voting feature to prevent making too much network requests, while keeping your UI responsive. Lately I’ve been implementing a Commenting feature in our Android app for the Daily Mirror Newspaper, alongside with a Like/Dislike voting mechanism.

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