
Framing Android Screenshots

At Reach we wanted to improve our release process by automating the process of taking screenshots and uploading them to the Play Store. Adding screenshots is an important step to showcase an app’s features and functionality… Click on READ MORE to see our approach!

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Migrate a Robolectric test to FragmentScenario

This blog post describes my experiences migrating a unit test from Robolectric ‘old’ API to the new AndroidX FragmentScenario API. I wanted to do that as part of experimenting this new API, which brings some advantages over the old method.

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Story of 10gb Data Leak

Recently I came across an article from The Verge, reporting that a Google app was downloading excessive data, even when the respective app was closed or on the background. That reminded me I should share our own story and perhaps someone can learn from it — or just leave it as a future reminder for myself.

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